I thought of this craft late at night last week when I was feeding my baby. Ok, so it was sometime really early in the morning actually. Anyway, it's really easy and just takes time. I think the change of font and ink highlight the true reason behind the season like I intended it to do. It's kind of a crossword/scrabble Christmas picture. I hope you like it!
First, figure out the words you want to use and how to arrange them. Create a grid in which you write out all your words. It doesn't need to be fancy, you just need to make sure none of your words are running together.
I created a big list and then I tried to use a crossword generator online. I wasn't pleased with the results, so I ended up figuring it out on my own by cutting out squares of scratch paper and arranging them in different ways. I didn't use all my words, but I made sure to include the ones that I really wanted to and, of course, the highlighted words "Messiah" and "believe." After a lot of trial and error and time, I came up with something I liked. Mine is 14 "tiles" by 14 "tiles."
Second, figure out your measurements. How big is the frame you want it to go in? How many tiles by how many tiles is your crossword? How small will your tiles need to be to fit inside that space and still have a gap between each tile?
My frame (a graduation shadow box I found at a thrift store) fit a sheet of paper that was 10 3/16 inches square, but only 9 11/16 inches square would be seen. My paper tiles needed to be 9/16 of an inch square to fit 14 x 14 with small gaps in between.
Third, cut out your paper and assemble an example lineup. You can use the lineup to make sure your squares will be able to accommodate your whole crossword and to use as a reference so your words are more or less straight on the page.
Fourth, print your letters on your tiles and set them on the paper. I suggest not taping or gluing them down until you have them all set out in case they don't fit exactly like the lineup. I had to move mine over several times because I didn't want to write on my paper to make grid lines or anything.
Fifth, use double stick tape or scrapbook photo squares to adhere your tiles to the page.
Sixth, frame.

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I love this! Many years ago I did this for Christmas gifts. I used a scrabble game and put all of the familys names on it and framed it. I really came out cool. Then last year for my moms birthday I did the same thing only used vintage cardboard anagrams with vintage music paper for the backround.